Většina žen má okolo třiceti první šediny. To je pravda, ale většina žen o tom ani neví, protože si pravidelně vlasy barví. Vymoženost moderní doby? Nikoliv, již dávná tradice od dob starého Egypta.
Nejstarší doklad barvených vlasů:
Před pěti tisíci lety byla v Egyptě mumifikována žena s prošedivělými vlasy, nabarvenými hennou. Tento nález dokládá, že kromě paruk, příčesků a korálků hrála barva velikou roli.
Henna pomáhala Egypťanům i Egypťankám dosáhnout tmavé barvy, vysokého lesku a pevnosti vlasů. Henna neproniká do vlasu, jako chemická barviva, ale obalí vlas slabou vrstvou, která jej chrání proti vnějším vlivům, zabraňuje lámání a také perfektně odráží světlo. Vlasy nabarvené hennou byly černé, na prudkém slunci házely měděné odlesky. Namodralá havraní čerň byla zase výsledkem barvení indigem, to se do Egypta dostalo až mnohem později.
Kadeřníci starého Egypta barvili hennou nejen vlasy svých zákazníků, ale i jejich paruky. Běžnou praxí bylo, že vlastní vlasy si zákaznice nechala zkrátit "na kluka" (a pro dokonalost nabarvit) a na ně teprve pokládala paruku s delšími vlasy. Jiným řešením byl střih vlasů po ramena a prodloužení přidáním příčesků z vlasů otroků. Nabarvit pak všechny vlasy na stejný odstín vyžadovalo pečlivost a praxi.
Římanky a jejich touha po světlých vlasech:
Majitelky krásných tmavých vlasů, olivové pleti a temných očí zatoužily po kráse svých germánských otrokyň. První odbarvené blondýnky opravdu najdeme ve starověkém Římě. Bohaté ženy si splnily svůj sen jednoduše tak, že si vybíraly otrokyně se zvláště krásnými vlasy, daly je ostříhat a paruka byla na světě.
Chudší Římanky se musely uchýlit k "chemii". Jako naprosto zaručená směs k odbarvení vlasů se používal speciální mýdelný roztok z kozího loje a bukového listí. Jednodušší byla aplikace odvaru z heřmánku, k té bylo ale nutné strávit dobu mezi jedenáctou a jednou hodinou na prudkém slunci, aby odbarvovací efekt dosáhl maxima. Která žena nechtěla riskovat úžeh, zbývala jí šťáva z citrónů, nanášená štětečkem z kančích štětin. Přes všechny snahy ale Římanky ze svých tmavých vlasů platinovou blondýnku udělat nedokázaly.
Recepty našich babiček
Okolo roku 1890 se henna dostala i do střední Evropy, u nás však převládaly staré a ověřené recepty. Pro intenzivnější tóny hnědých vlasů se připravoval odvar z kaštanových listů, čokoládovou zaručoval odvar ze šalvěje a rozmarýnu s přidáním jablečného octa. Havraní čerň se vyráběla z ořechových skořápek. Paletu barev poskytovaly cibulové slupky, které dnes známe hlavně jako barvivo na vajíčka. Červená, žlutá či tmavá cibule, různé směsi, délka louhování a přidávání bylin, zkrátka bylo to doslova umění v pravém slova smyslu.
Jedničkou v péči o tmavé vlasy byl silný černý čaj, kterým se vlasy po umytí propláchly a už se nesmýval. Tmavovlásky mohou takto jednoduše oživit barvu bez chemie i dnes.
Pro zesvětlení plavých vlasů se používal již zmíněný heřmánek a lipový květ. Zajímavý byl zábal z reveňových kořenů s vaječným žloutkem, který dodával plavým vlasům lesk a zajímavý kovový nádech. Teplou žlutou barvu zase ženy získávaly odvarem z divizny.
Nástup chemie
Roku 1909 přišel francouzský chemik Eugéne Schuller s prvními "bezpečnými" chemickými barvami , uvedl na trh barvu Dream blond a založil firmu French Harmless Hair Dye Company, která se o rok později přejmenovala L´Oreal. Peroxid vodíku a amoniak se postupně staly nerozlučnými průvodci všech kadeřníků. Ve třicátých letech se v Hollywoodu objevily platinové blondýnky a chemie zcela ovládla pole vlasové kosmetiky. Až v poslední době se výrobci vrací k přírodním složkám a stylisté doporučují spíše užívání receptů našich babiček.
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Guide to choosing a scooter for city riding: What to look out for
When choosing a means of transportation for urban https://gazeta.ua/articles/avto/_ak-yizditi-na-skuteri-po-kiyevu-vzimku-poradi-vid-motozilla/1059762 riding, many people turn their attention to scooters. Scooters have become a popular means of transportation in cities because of their compactness, economy, and ease of operation. However, before buying a scooter, it is important to consider several factors to choose the right model for your needs. In this article, we'll look at the key aspects to consider when choosing a scooter for urban riding.
Size and compactness:
One of the most important aspects when choosing a scooter for city riding is its size and compactness. You will want a scooter that can easily maneuver through crowded streets and can easily park in tight spaces. Consider https://ru.interfax.com.ua/news/press-release/920474.html compact models with a small turning radius to be able to maneuver easily in a crowded city.
Engine power:
Scooter engine power is also an important https://informator.ua/ru/kak-vybrat-shlem-dlya-motocikla-rukovodstvo-ot-motozilla factor. In an urban environment, you will probably need a scooter with little power since you will be riding it for short distances at speeds that match the speed limits of city streets. Choose a scooter with an engine with enough power to provide a comfortable ride in urban https://delo.ua/news-companies/yakii-motoblok-krashe-kupiti-ili-poradi-vid-motozilla-401931/ environments, but not too much power to avoid excessive fuel consumption.
Fuel economy:
One of the main advantages of scooters is their fuel efficiency. When choosing a scooter, pay attention to its fuel efficiency. Scooters with lower fuel consumption can help you save money on gas and reduce your environmental emissions.
Convenience and comfort:
It's important to choose a scooter that https://from-ua.com/news/637537-10-lucsix-skuterov-dlya-nacinayushhix-reiting-ot-motozilla.html offers comfort and convenience while riding in the city. Pay attention to seat ergonomics, handlebar height, and pedal position. Test out the scooter before you buy to make sure you feel comfortable behind the wheel and can easily reach https://ua.interfax.com.ua/news/press-release/771774.html all the controls.
Safety Systems:
Safety on the road is of the utmost importance. When choosing a scooter, look for safety systems such as anti-lock brakes (ABS), stability control system (ESC), and high-visibility headlights. These systems will https://www.garant.ru/ia/press_release/1524516/ help you reduce the risk of accidents and keep you safe on the road.
Choosing a scooter for urban riding requires attention to several key aspects. Size and compactness, engine power, fuel efficiency, comfort and convenience, and safety systems are all factors to consider when choosing a scooter for city riding. Don't forget your personal preferences and budget as well. Research various scooter models thoroughly, read reviews and consult a salesperson or expert to make the right choice and enjoy a comfortable and safe city ride on your new scooter.
(Puilliamdycle, 6. 7. 2023 20:35)
Guide to choosing a scooter for city riding: What to look out for
When choosing a means of transportation for urban https://www.autoconsulting.com.ua/article.php?sid=53131 riding, many people turn their attention to scooters. Scooters have become a popular means of transportation in cities because of their compactness, economy, and ease of operation. However, before buying a scooter, it is important to consider several factors to choose the right model for your needs. In this article, we'll look at the key aspects to consider when choosing a scooter for urban riding.
Size and compactness:
One of the most important aspects when choosing a scooter for city riding is its size and compactness. You will want a scooter that can easily maneuver through crowded streets and can easily park in tight spaces. Consider https://osvita.ua/news/87026/ compact models with a small turning radius to be able to maneuver easily in a crowded city.
Engine power:
Scooter engine power is also an important https://www.autosite.ua/novosti_pokupka-mototsikla-s-ruk-na-chto-obrashchat-vnimanie_56713.html factor. In an urban environment, you will probably need a scooter with little power since you will be riding it for short distances at speeds that match the speed limits of city streets. Choose a scooter with an engine with enough power to provide a comfortable ride in urban https://agronews.ua/news/motoblok-universalna-tehnika-dlya-silskogospodarskyh-robit/ environments, but not too much power to avoid excessive fuel consumption.
Fuel economy:
One of the main advantages of scooters is their fuel efficiency. When choosing a scooter, pay attention to its fuel efficiency. Scooters with lower fuel consumption can help you save money on gas and reduce your environmental emissions.
Convenience and comfort:
It's important to choose a scooter that https://ubr.ua/uk/ukraine-and-world/events/kakie-poderzhannye-mototsikly-luchshe-ne-pokupat-sovetuet-motozilla offers comfort and convenience while riding in the city. Pay attention to seat ergonomics, handlebar height, and pedal position. Test out the scooter before you buy to make sure you feel comfortable behind the wheel and can easily reach https://terrikon.com/uk/posts/443156 all the controls.
Safety Systems:
Safety on the road is of the utmost importance. When choosing a scooter, look for safety systems such as anti-lock brakes (ABS), stability control system (ESC), and high-visibility headlights. These systems will https://rst.ua/autonews/auto/motozilla_1500_35667.html help you reduce the risk of accidents and keep you safe on the road.
Choosing a scooter for urban riding requires attention to several key aspects. Size and compactness, engine power, fuel efficiency, comfort and convenience, and safety systems are all factors to consider when choosing a scooter for city riding. Don't forget your personal preferences and budget as well. Research various scooter models thoroughly, read reviews and consult a salesperson or expert to make the right choice and enjoy a comfortable and safe city ride on your new scooter.
(Silliamdycle, 6. 7. 2023 19:32)
Guide to choosing a scooter for city riding: What to look out for
When choosing a means of transportation for urban https://agravery.com/uk/posts/show/kitajski-motobloki-ta-minitraktori-ocinka-vid-motozilla riding, many people turn their attention to scooters. Scooters have become a popular means of transportation in cities because of their compactness, economy, and ease of operation. However, before buying a scooter, it is important to consider several factors to choose the right model for your needs. In this article, we'll look at the key aspects to consider when choosing a scooter for urban riding.
Size and compactness:
One of the most important aspects when choosing a scooter for city riding is its size and compactness. You will want a scooter that can easily maneuver through crowded streets and can easily park in tight spaces. Consider https://www.obozrevatel.com/press-release/motoitogi-sentyabrya-ot-motozilla-bolshinstvo-pokupaemoj-tehniki-novaya.htm compact models with a small turning radius to be able to maneuver easily in a crowded city.
Engine power:
Scooter engine power is also an important https://ubr.ua/uk/ukraine-and-world/events/kakie-poderzhannye-mototsikly-luchshe-ne-pokupat-sovetuet-motozilla factor. In an urban environment, you will probably need a scooter with little power since you will be riding it for short distances at speeds that match the speed limits of city streets. Choose a scooter with an engine with enough power to provide a comfortable ride in urban https://gordonua.com/ukr/interesting/top-10-moto-innovatsij-za-minuli-40-rokiv-rejting-motozilla-1594252.html environments, but not too much power to avoid excessive fuel consumption.
Fuel economy:
One of the main advantages of scooters is their fuel efficiency. When choosing a scooter, pay attention to its fuel efficiency. Scooters with lower fuel consumption can help you save money on gas and reduce your environmental emissions.
Convenience and comfort:
It's important to choose a scooter that https://vesti.ua/strana/chto-dolzhno-byt-v-garazhe-lyubogo-mototsiklista-cheklist-ot-motozilla offers comfort and convenience while riding in the city. Pay attention to seat ergonomics, handlebar height, and pedal position. Test out the scooter before you buy to make sure you feel comfortable behind the wheel and can easily reach https://www.depo.ua/ukr/sport/naypopulyarnishi-mototsikli-2022-roku-pidsumki-i-reyting-motozilla-202301231445592 all the controls.
Safety Systems:
Safety on the road is of the utmost importance. When choosing a scooter, look for safety systems such as anti-lock brakes (ABS), stability control system (ESC), and high-visibility headlights. These systems will https://news.liga.net/ua/all/pr/kakie-mopedy-i-skutery-v-2022-godu-nujno-registrirovat-v-ukraine help you reduce the risk of accidents and keep you safe on the road.
Choosing a scooter for urban riding requires attention to several key aspects. Size and compactness, engine power, fuel efficiency, comfort and convenience, and safety systems are all factors to consider when choosing a scooter for city riding. Don't forget your personal preferences and budget as well. Research various scooter models thoroughly, read reviews and consult a salesperson or expert to make the right choice and enjoy a comfortable and safe city ride on your new scooter.
(SamuelDoutt, 5. 7. 2023 11:47)
Guide to choosing a scooter for city riding: What to look out for
When choosing a means of transportation for urban riding https://profootball.ua/461153-luis-enrike-i-ego-sbornaya-ot-futbolnogo-myacha-do-velosipedov/, many people turn their attention to scooters. Scooters have become a popular means of transportation in cities because of their compactness, economy, and ease of operation. However, before buying a scooter, it is important to consider several factors to choose the right model for your needs. In this article, we'll look at the key aspects to consider when choosing a scooter for urban riding.
Size and compactness:
One of the most important aspects when choosing a scooter for city riding is its size and compactness. You will want a scooter that can easily maneuver through crowded streets and can easily park in tight spaces. Consider compact models with a small turning radius to be able to maneuver easily in a crowded city.
Engine power:
Scooter engine power is also an important factor. In an urban environment, you will probably need a scooter with little power since you will be riding it for short distances at speeds that match the speed limits of city streets. Choose a scooter with an engine with enough power to provide a comfortable ride in urban environments, but not too much power to avoid excessive fuel consumption.
Fuel economy:
One of the main advantages of scooters is their fuel efficiency. https://www.autocentre.ua/ua/news/kakoj-mototsikl-ili-skuter-vybrat-novichku-sovety-ot-motozilla-1374473.html When choosing a scooter, pay attention to its fuel efficiency. Scooters with lower fuel consumption can help you save money on gas and reduce your environmental emissions.
Convenience and comfort:
It's important to choose a scooter that offers comfort and convenience while riding in the city. Pay attention to seat ergonomics, handlebar height, and pedal position. Test out the scooter before you buy to make sure you feel comfortable behind the wheel and can easily reach all the controls.
Safety Systems:
Safety on the road is of the utmost importance. When choosing https://gorod.dp.ua/news/216345 a scooter, look for safety systems such as anti-lock brakes (ABS), stability control system (ESC), and high-visibility headlights. These systems will help you reduce the risk of accidents and keep you safe on the road.
Choosing a scooter for urban riding requires attention to several key aspects. Size and compactness, engine power https://mc.today/u-vas-skuter-letom-ih-ugonyayut-chashhe-vsego-vot-4-delnyh-soveta-kotorye-zashhityat-ot-vorov/ , fuel efficiency, comfort and convenience, and safety systems are all factors to consider when choosing a scooter for city riding. Don't forget your personal preferences and budget as well. Research various scooter models thoroughly, read reviews and consult a salesperson or expert to make the right choice and enjoy a comfortable and safe city ride on your new scooter.
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(Nicholetog, 24. 6. 2023 0:29)
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(JeffreyLiaib, 22. 6. 2023 12:20)
(PhillipboxIsaiahMoige, 21. 6. 2023 10:19)
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Faucet Collector Powerful New Faucet Robot.
(Billyvop, 19. 6. 2023 0:17)
Our cutting-edge robot is designed to claim faucets and securely transfer them into your personal wallets without any manual effort required on your part.
We have carefully curated a list of the top-performing faucets on the market that offer direct payment, ensuring that you receive only the highest-quality rewards.
Our system is fully automated, eliminating the need for you to enter CAPTCHAs manually.
Reclaiming Freedom: Center for Cocaine Rehabilitation Provides Support and Healing
(MichaelArexy, 17. 6. 2023 10:25)
Welcome to Cocaine Rehab Center, where we provide a safe and supportive setting for individuals in search of healing from cocaine addiction. Our expertly trained and caring staff comprehends the challenges and complexities of cocaine addiction and is committed to helping you overcome this destructive cycle.
At Center for Cocaine Rehabilitation, we offer a holistic and personalized treatment approach that addresses the biological, emotional, and psychosocial aspects of addiction. Our research-supported therapies, such as CBT and motivational interviewing, help you cultivate effective coping strategies, understand triggers, and modify negative behaviors. We also provide a range of alternative therapies, including yoga, meditation, and expressive arts, to promote recovery and personal growth.
Throughout your journey with us, you will be surrounded by a supportive community of like-minded individuals on the path to recovery. Our continuing care programs and relapse prevention strategies will empower you with the resources you need to sustain sobriety beyond your time at our center. If you or a loved one is struggling with cocaine addiction, Center for Cocaine Rehabilitation is here to guide you towards a healthier and substance-free future.
Enhancing Nature's Palette: Discovering Two Exquisite Types of Flower Pots
(AnthonySkype, 15. 6. 2023 8:53)
An ideal sanctuary for your beloved plants, our Planter Pot is constructed to blend usability with visual attractiveness. Created with detailed precision, it is composed of high-grade materials that guarantee longevity. This pot showcases a streamlined design, offering a adaptable look that can seamlessly blend with any indoor or outdoor style, from timeless to cutting-edge. It's equipped with appropriate drainage holes that prevent water logging, ensuring the healthy growth of your plants.
Beyond being a plant-holder, this Planter Pot is a statement piece, a touch of nature-infused elegance that can revitalize your space in an instant. The sweeping curve and soft touch give it a sophisticated look, while its roomy size offers ample room for your plants to thrive. Its earth-toned finish adds a natural effect, allowing the bold colors of your plants to truly stand out. Delight in the joy of gardening in style with our Planter Pot, designed to bring out the best in your green companions.
Furthermore, our Planter Pot is green and sustainably sourced, showing our pledge to protecting the environment. It is lightweight yet durable, making it effortless to relocate, and clean, but hardy enough to resist weather changes if used outdoors. The pot is well-suited for a wide range of plants, including cacti, herbs, blooms, and shrubs. Its thoughtful design encourages a stable ecosystem within the pot, facilitating great air circulation and promoting root health. Elevate your green space with our Planter Pot, the perfect accessory for the passionate plant lover who values both style and function in their gardening pursuits.
(Andresfeage, 14. 6. 2023 15:20)
Plants serve an essential role in our ecosystem, acting as primary producers at the bottom of the food chain. They are extremely diverse, ranging from tiny mosses to giant sequoias, and exist in almost every environment on Earth. Alongside their beauty, they hold a range of crucial roles in nature, such as creating oxygen, reducing carbon dioxide, providing habitats for wildlife, and stabilizing soil to prevent erosion. Moreover, plants have a unique mode of nutrition called photosynthesis, where they utilize sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, a form of energy, and oxygen.
The classification of plants is centered around their structure and method of reproduction. Generally, they are categorized into two main groups, vascular and nonvascular. Vascular plants, like trees, flowers, and ferns, have specialized tissues for transferring water, nutrients, and photosynthetic products. Nonvascular plants, like mosses and liverworts, lack these transport systems and depend on diffusion and osmosis. Among vascular plants, further divisions feature seedless plants, gymnosperms (seed-producing plants with naked seeds), and angiosperms (flowering plants with enclosed seeds). Angiosperms, in particular, are the most diverse group, with hundreds of thousands of species identified to science.
Plants have evolved a plethora of adaptations to survive in a variety of environments. For instance, desert plants, such as cacti, have evolved thick, waxy skins to reduce water loss and needle-like leaves to minimize surface area exposed to the sun. In contrast, plants in water-scarce environments often have deep root systems to access underground water sources. Certain plants, known as carnivorous plants, have even adapted to nutrient-poor environments by forming mechanisms to trap and digest insects. Comprehending the vast diversity and adaptations of plants not only gives insights into the mechanics of our natural world but also provides valuable knowledge for developments in agriculture, medicine, and environmental conservation.
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Салон Свадебных Платьев Каталог
(ArthurSox, 13. 7. 2023 3:55)